The recent continued long rains have reigned havoc along the communities living around the swampy and reverine areas around dunga, the proximity to the lake makes the areas prone to flooding when the tributaries swell and spill over sending the excess water entering the lake into houses and schools around these area,the fast flowing water posses a danger to motorist,children and families living near these areas, the families leaving their homes have been forced to move to nearby schools I.e St.Vitalis nanga and nearby churches. Despite being a perennial problem little has been done to elevate these families from this scourge and most of them seek help from families staying in drier areas and local NGO’s,apart from dunga the continued rains have continued to Pound other areas of the country causing many challenges even resulting to death by drowning or being swept by the fast moving water

By saidi bakari

Public relation strategist, branding&marketing enthusiast,Art lover,writer and camping freak