The whole ksm city converges at this place each and every Sunday, working class,business men,bike guys,youth old and young eager to clear mind and have some away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the estates
Being a public recreational beach nothing is charged on entry, apart from the business people that sell waresand drinks most friends use this as a hangout joint and a place to meet before they embark on their busy schedules during the weekday
Family picnics group meetings parties are also held at this place as it provides a tranquil environment environment for such occasions.
Welcome to Hippo point located at the shores of lake Victoria near le-Parle hotel, this place boast of the best sunset scenery and raised beach front where the waves are gentle and the beach lush and green,
This place has been a hidden treasure until the county government for wind of its splendors and held a Mega Concert dubbed “Fish Fiesta” this event provided an opportunity for locals to showcase their cuisine prowess in cooking the local delicasy-fish among other activities like music and open bar. The governor promised to protect the place from grabbers and improve facilities around the place among them fencing it off,lighting it and having Toilets built around the place.

Off hippo point

By saidi bakari

Public relation strategist, branding&marketing enthusiast,Art lover,writer and camping freak